Saturday, April 10, 2010

Is Anyone Else As Nervous As I Am For My Own Wedding? You Will Be After Seeing These Pictures

We look like such a good looking group of people who are there to celebrate a wedding. Right? Guess again!

That poor little crab was a universal prop throughout the whole entire night.

The Groom and the Best Man.....

Twisted Sister- Snort the salt, Shoot the tequila, and squeeze the lime in your eye.

I don't even know what to say.

Dan chasing the cougars. She was loving it.

Vulture was attacked earlier by an electric razor and wanted to show everyone at the wedding.

Sweaty beast
his excuse to bump into attractive ladies- someone was pulling him by his tie.

He walked into the church with those condoms hanging out of his pocket. This one won't fly with Cindy Beck.

Old man can DANCE!

We should put the buttons on the back of their shirts so they stop unbuttoning them at the most awkward times.

Oh, you two. Lets try to keep that trick in the bag during the next wedding.

Guess we all know why Penn State was ranked the #1 party school this year.
Nice job boys. Hope you're proud.

Anyone now as nervous as I am for my wedding?

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//PART 2