Monday, March 29, 2010

I'm 23 Today!

Happy Birthday to Me!
I Made it to 23!
Yes ladies and (very few) gents, that is me with my daddy on my 1st birthday a whopping 22 years ago! Check out his amazing glasses and my birthday suit. Wooohoooo nothing has changed haha

Neither my parents nor I ever thought we would see the day. And only 2 more years until I can rent a car without some ugly daily fee because these car companies think I am less responsible at 23 than I will be at 25. Ha, I'll teach those car companies a thing or two.
And this ugly little runt....with black hair? going to spend her day baking tons of goodies to share with my teammates at practice tonight and then...and then...ummmm I don't think I am doing anything else for my birthday.

Anyways, I LOVE birthdays and I am so happy mine is today.
It makes me feel Speeccciiiaallll and plus my day will be full of unlimited foot rubs.

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//PART 2