Tuesday, March 23, 2010


This is my team during our match tonight. Say Hi!
I'm the blonde American. Ha!

So I know we don't look too happy in that picture but we all should be smiling from ear to ear. We just won such a huge match tonight against our biggest rivals, AEL.

I know most of you are not going to understand my volleyball terminology and rambling but stick with me. If you have questions don't be afraid to ask.

So we won tonight in 4!
At the end of the 4th set we were up 21-16 and I served four consecutive aces to win the match.
I'm starting to think I should change my number from 3 to 4.

So now, all we have to do is win 2 more sets out of the next 2 matches to be the
....which means....Bonus!
Happy Birthday to Me

Now we have 3 weeks off to celebrate this win.

if you haven't noticed, I feel like CAPS really emphasizes my excitement

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//PART 2