Thursday, January 7, 2010

I Am So Proud Of This Man!

My Dad is my Hero!
He is truly one of a kind.
He goes by Ed but most of my friends refer to him as Eddie Beck! or Mr. Ed! Even with the exclamation point at the end because they say his name so enthusiastically.
He is the wittiest, smartest, most laid back man I have ever met and I aspire to be like him.
Plus, who could ignore his amazing dance moves and his frequent one liners that put you on the floor in stitches.
He is basically THE MAN!

Recently our family had a little bit of a scare.
THE MAN Eddie Beck received a phone call from a doctor saying that they believed he had some blockages in his heart.
Naturally I freaked out. I mean he's my daddy!
::He was supposed to depart on a golfing trip with my brother two days later::
So he decided he would go get checked out after his golfing adventure.
Thankfully our family said HECK NO! and made him go see the doctor.

Good thing because it turned out he has SIX blockages in his heart!
One of the blockages was 99% blocked and it was a miracle he had not dropped to the floor already. The doctor also said that if he got on that plane for his weekend getaway with my brother, the pressure from the takeoff would have caused his heart to fail.

He went into surgery the next day and had three stints put in.

It terrifies me even thinking about it and knowing that my dad could not and medically speaking should not be here. Plus who would walk me down the isle in July?


Anyways, he is probably going to hate this post because he likes to think nothing is ever wrong in his life but regardless he has turned his life around. He went from 235 lbs at his heaviest to 193 lbs and has completely changed his way of life. He works out regularly and eats all the right things. But knowing him and his sweet tooth I know he sneaks in a couple of goodies here and there.

I wanted to write this post because he had one of his last checkups yesterday and his doctor gave him an A+
Hearing how thrilled he was made me feel so happy for him. He told me he felt like "a little school boy."

I am so proud of you Daddy! You did this with all of your hard work. Not to mention I probably would have whacked you myself if you hadn't made this change.

Check out his before and after photos!


What A Stud Muffin!

Isn't he the greatest?

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//PART 2