Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hidden Little Messages

Falling in love...
You read about it,
You hear of being set up by a friend,
Meeting someone new during a night out on the town,
Running into one another at work,
Maybe sharing a drink and conversation with a new acquaintance at a friends house.
All seem like very natural ways of meeting that special someone. Right?

I thought so too.

I always dreamed of how I would meet that special someone. I often wracked my brain for potential people I had already met that were in my life that might be that special someone. What if it was someone I passed on the freeway in my car one day?
That I would never know but it's cool to think about.

However NONE of these were an accurate guess as to how I would meet my future husband.

I will have to attribute our chance meeting to one of the greatest networking sites of all time, we all have one, and the world loves it...FACEBOOK.

Yes, I said it. We met on Facebook.

It all started with a simple message.
Quickly the messages turned into multiple messages and grew into essays.
We hit our 100th message within 28 days of us talking.

I have been searching for months and months to try to find these old messages but I somehow thought they got deleted.
I was devastated.
Last night I thought I would search one last time for our fabled messages AND I FOUND THEM!
Gosh I was so excited!

Rereading these messages was hysterical.
We even wrote vows for each other 6 days into our conversation.
Somehow we knew we would spend the rest of our lives together.
I think they will make a great addition to our wedding.

How it all began...

Morgan Beck December 22, 2007 at 5:40am know my friends...I know your friends....but we don't know eachother....maybe we should be friends too! Maybe hang out...I don't know.


Matthew Proper December 22, 2007 at 9:45am

good talk... see you out there?

Matthew Proper December 22, 2007 at 9:49am

haha... sorry that was a really funny msg on your part, let me try again... I'm matt. nice to meet you..? I live in italy right now, but I'll be back in cali mayish, I'll consider maaaaybe considering you a new friend. if you meet the minimum requirements.

..The beginning of our Happily Ever After..

Our Vows

Morgan Beck January 2, 2008 at 10:04pm

I take thee Matt Proper to be my ice skating husband forever wearing flowers and sparkles. Until glorious dolphin rides end and crap cars start. I promise to learn the heimlich, practice my running skills and tend his broken pinky.

Matthew Proper January 3, 2008 at 3:26pm

I take thee Morgan Beck to be my headless wife, forever screwing up certain charades clues. I vow to continually snore so that I can revel in endless dutch ovens of my used-to-be-best-potential-friend-of-all-time. Until final words cease to be hilarious and someone tops the most amazing wedding on ice ever... neither of which will ever happen.

And yes, we still talk this way.

Send me your stories on how your Happily Ever After began!

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//PART 2