Friday, September 16, 2011

Cayley and I had to cut our trip short.  I have been feeling severely under the weather and bed ridden for the past 48 hours.  I am a little bummed out because there was so much I wanted to see and do in Puerto Rico before we were scheduled to head back to Miami.  Luckily, the first two days were awesome. We got to see a good friend and spend a ton of time with him and witness one of the most spectacular sunsets I have ever seen. We also got in a few really good practices with the Puerto Rican Beach National Team and some how managed to log a few solid hours at the Blackjack table. Unfortunately, my body decided to throw a monkey wrench into the rest of our plans. So now, instead of spending the weekend in Miami for the Cuervo Open, we are headed back to Los Angeles so I can get healthy again.

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//PART 2