Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wish List

I had the most incredible weekend that resulted in me completely forgetting about my wish list.  I mean of course there are things I am still wishing for but I got a lot of them answered this past week.  I guess part of the reason why I do this is just to have the opportunity to put these out into the universe to be answered.  Sometimes they are answered and sometimes they aren't, but when they are, I feel like I have done everything I could to help make them happen.

Wishes for the week of October 3rd
1.  To hear back from Korea by tomorrow and if I don't hear back from them to continue to be patient
2.  Get some modeling movement in New York.  I would even settle for an email back from my agent.
3.  To get some money in so we can put an offer in on those condos
4.  A break, a hint, guidance, a light...anything to show me the way
5.  To make it through a week without eating absurd amounts of junk food.  I think I have an issue.

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//PART 2