Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Day In The Life Of Morgan Beck

Now wouldn't it be really cool if this actually was an average day?  Ha, too bad this is going to be a really fun, abnormal day in the life of Morgan Beck.
Heading up to L.A. again tomorrow to shoot a Nike commercial.  Did I mention how ridiculously excited I am about this and there is a pretty strong chance LeBron James will be there shooting with us?
He's clearly going to be an extra.
Call time starts right after my casting call for 
Old Navy!
Creepy mannequins OUT!  Real human beings IN!
Wish me luck!

Also leave some love with your thoughts on my husband getting into this business.  I think he would kick some serious toosh but he has his doubts.  Stupid doubts of course but he is entitled to his opinion even if it's wrong.
I mean come on!!  His eyebrows alone scream dead sexy!

*images via & via

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//PART 2