Wednesday, December 30, 2009

This Is Me

So I have not gotten a chance to properly introduce myself. My name is Morgan Elizabeth Beck and I stand with my head in the clouds. No Seriously...I am a 6'2'' woman; and when I say woman I don't mean a skinny, frail depiction of society's ideal female. I mean a woman with substance and curves. A woman who loves breakfast, lunch, and dinner. A woman with muscle and athleticism. Can I get an Amen. Haha. Clearly I don't take myself too seriously.

I graduated from UC Berkeley which, at the time, was four of the most miserable years of my life. I now miss the place and I cannot wait to go back and visit in May for my brother's graduation. Not to mention I will get to see my love Camilla (who, by the way, has an amazing blog. You should check it out here)

I play volleyball professionally with my soulmate Matthew Proper (who also has an amazing blog which you should check out here). Not a bad profession right? We have been deported to the land before time and are playing in Cyprus which is a small island off of Greece full of dirt and cars going down the wrong side of the road. Matt and I will return to the Land of the Free in late April and then get married in July!! Woohooo!

*Please be patient. I will learn the ways of this blogger nonsense and eventually make my site easier on the eyes and include some pictures.

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//PART 2